Highlights of the Kimberley Coast
The Buccaneer Archipelago has over 1000 islands in the group with many bays, rivers and estuaries to explore and fish.
The archipelago has the largest tides (up to 12 metres) in Australia and a fantastic shoreline to boot. The Inland sea at the south end is a large sheltered estuary which has many creeks and would need a week to explore just it alone.
To the north is Cascade Bay which has a couple of springs and a waterfall cascading down onto a beach. Hells Gate is the entrance to Cascade Bay and aptly named. The tide rushes through the islands and creates many whirlpools, overfalls, rips and is an awesome sight.
Cone Bay is home to a Barramundi farm and an Aboriginal Community and has many springs, waterfalls and pockets of tropical rainforest.
Strickland Bay is huge and holds many surprises. Rivers, mangroves, reefs, beaches, islands, great fishing and has the massive “Graveyards” estuary on the northern side. You could spend a week in Strickland Bay alone without running out of things to do!
Whirlpool Pass is the channel between Hidden Island and the mainland, the name says it all! Hidden Island has a beach that is as white and soft as flour and is worth spending a day lazing around in the turquoise water.
In Yampi Sound is Cockatoo Island where they are mining iron ore. It also has a resort and airstrip. Crocodile Creek has one of the most famous waterfalls in the Kimberley and is fantastic for a cool off. Silvergull Creek was home to Phil and Marion who have set up a unique tropical paradise and made a living from carving jewellery out of pearlshell and black coral.
To the east is Talbot Bay which is home to the famous Horizontal Waterfalls where there is 2 gaps in the cliffs about 10 meters apart and tide cannot get through the gaps quick enough, at times the drop in level between the two sides is 3 metres! Talbot Bay is home to over 10 waterfalls early in the year.
Walcott Inlet is further east again and is a massive estuary that is home to 3 large rivers which are ,the Calder, Charnley and Isdell Rivers. The Charnley Rockbar is one of the most famous spots to land a Barra.
To the north is Doubtful Bay that has the fabulous Raft Point Rock art site. We climb 150m up a steep hill to a cave that overlooks the mass of Steep Island. This site has many quality Wandjina figures amongst other depictions of marine and wildlife. It is also home to Vinneys Creek that has great fishing, Red Cone Falls, Glenelg River and the Sale River which we can travel 20 kms up the gorge to the freshwater, sandy beach and spring.
Montgomery Reef is a large flat reef that is 110km in circumference. When the tide recedes the water cascades off the reef edges in millions of waterfalls.
Travelling further north is Langgi which has the petrified stone warriors, then on to Deception Bay and Sampson Inlet which is a natural cyclone shelter with rainforest, freshwater springs and pools.
Its then onto Kuri Bay and Brecknock Harbour and into the Prince Regent River to the Kings Cascades famous for the crocodile attack on American actor Ginger Meadows.
Our operation has come together by many hours and days of exploring this vast coastline by boat, helicopter and aircraft assisted with the journals of the early explorers and over the years we have found many well hidden and unvisited spots that do not make the tourist guides which makes your experience with us unique to others.
There is much more to the north along the coast to Wyndham and too much to list here.